Saturday, February 25, 2012

Matt Baker

We can all watch Countryfile again! Thank you so much, Matt Baker, for speaking out.

Perhaps next time - if ever - the producers decide to do a feature on wind farms, you can persuade them to actually visit some of the poor people in places like Cumbria, Lincolnshire, Wales, Cornwall, and now Devon as well, who are having their lives blighted by wind turbine noise.

And if they are really daring, they could do some real investigative journalism, and find some farmers too, who have regretted signing up on the dotted line, who may also be suffering from turbine noise, who may have seen their farms ruined, who may regret what they have done to their neighbours' lives, but are unable to speak out because of confidentiality clauses.

When it suits the agenda, the media are happy to interview people while hiding their identity with blurred images and altered voices. Perhaps it is time for the BBC to properly investigate the wind industry.

Here is a link to some poignant words from a farmer in the US.

This is an excerpt from his testimony - do read it in full if you can.

"I tried, as did some of the other farmers, to get out of our contracts, but we had signed a binding contract. If you are considering placing wind turbines on your property, I strongly recommend that you please reconsider. Study the issues. Think of all the harm to your land, and, in the future, to your children’s land, versus the benefits from allowing companies to lease your land for turbines."

1 comment:

Jan said...

The more well-known people who speak out against the march of the wind turbines the better, so well done to Matt!