Sent to us by the organisers of this walk - please give them your support:
Invitation to join the ‘Save the Border Hills’ Walk
For many years now, Lammermuir residents and local Councils have campaigned furiously against North British Windpower’s (NBW) proposed Fallago Rig Wind Farm in the Scottish Borders. All objections to the proposed plans have been ignored by the Scottish Government and this must change.
Please come and join our ‘Save the Border Hills’ Walk taking place on 12th June 2010 at Penshiel, Cranshaws, Duns. The event will be signposted from Cranshaws, Longformacus and Gifford. All welcome, including dogs on leads. Please arrive by 9.30am. Full route will be approx. 9 miles (option to do smaller distance available if you wish). Free T-shirts, half-way snacks and complimentary burger and drinks at the finish. Your presence and support would be greatly appreciated. This uniquely beautiful part of Scotland is already saturated with these monstrous industrial structures. We don’t need any more. Together we can make the Government sit-up and take notice of our cause.
From wind farm to wind factory: Say NO to more wind turbines in the Scottish Borders.Queries/questions:
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