Morte Point, on the North Devon Coast.
At the moment, from Morte Point in North Devon you can see Lundy, and the sun setting over the Atlantic Ocean. If the Atlantic Array goes ahead, you will be able to see up 250 wind turbines. They will be about 14 kilometres (8.7 miles) away. To put that in context, the 22 Fullabrook turbines can be seen from Yes Tor on Dartmoor (approx 40 km, 25 miles, away)
Public Exhibitions are to be held this weekend in North Devon, on Saturday 10th September from 10am to 5pm. at Abbotsham Village Hall, Abbotsham, Bideford, EX39 5AP , and on Sunday 11th September at Lovacott Village Hall, 5 Lower Lovacott, Newton Tracey, Barnstaple, EX31 3QH, from 11am to 4pm.
More details can be found on the RWE npower renewables website here:
It would be nice to think that the Greens would be there to speak up for the whales and porpoises and other wild life that will be threatened by this proposal (ready to set sail in the Rainbow Warrior once again?) Somehow that doesn't seem too likely.
The 'Greens' Had a spokesman in the form of Ricky Knight. He is all for the Wind Farm regardless of the devastation it will cause to the local environment and wildlife. Any lone mature lady not agreeing with his views was bullied and accued of reading the Daily Mail!
The 'Green' party leader was at the consulation I attended. However, he certainly was not speaking up for the wildlife. On the contrary he was all for the Atlantic Array.
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